Sign up to serve as a Volunteer Voter Registrar in 2025
Join Voices United and the RR Democratic Club in a non-partisan voter registration effort in 2025
As chair of the Voices United Civic Action Committee and a Democratic Precinct chair, I'm setting up the voter registration effort for these two groups for 2025. This is a volunteer opportunity that will take just a few hours of your time every few months and does not involve strenuous activity, so just about anyone can participate.
We'll staff a table in the Robson Clubhouse on the first Wednesday of every month from 9 am to 11 am. This is publicized in the HOA’s daily activities email beforehand. Each volunteer will be asked to sign up for just two two-hour Clubhouse sessions for the year.
In addition, we’re also asking that you sign up to be a Volunteer Registrar (VR) for about half an hour before two Voices or two Democratic Club meetings for members or guests who have questions or need to register or make changes to their Texas voter registration information.
We’ll also send out alerts to those who sign up to serve as Volunteer Deputy Registrars about how to participate in voter registration efforts outside the Ranch if they wish to do so.
Here’s what’s involved:
To qualify as a Texas Volunteer Deputy Voter Registrar (VDVR or VR for short), you must be over 18, not a criminal and reside in Texas.
You must take an online class sponsored by the Denton Elections Office. This takes about 90 minutes. (All VR registrations end as of Dec. 31, 2024, so even if you have been a VR in the past, you need to take the class again in 2025.) Once you sign up to volunteer, you'll receive an email reminding you to take the class in early 2025.
When you complete the class, you download a certificate and take it to the Denton Elections Office, 701 Kimberley Drive, near the courthouse on Loop 288 past Aldi. The staff will accept the certificate and give you blank voter registration forms for Denton County. Your VR certification will be good through 2026. More information at Denton Elections website. There's also a written guide with all the current rules at the Texas Secretary of State's website.
Sign up for two dates when you will volunteer to register voters at the Clubhouse and two dates when you will register voters before a Voices or RRDC meeting. I will send you an assignment calendar listing who's doing which date(s).
Two weeks before each of your scheduled shifts, you'll get an email reminding you of your duties.
• A week before your shift as a volunteer to register people in the Robson Clubhouse, you'll email an announcement about the voter registration opportunity to the RR HOA Daily Activities Email. I will give you the text and email address. On your appointed morning in the Clubhouse, show up at 8:45 am with half a dozen cheap ballpoint pens; your blank VR forms; a copy of your VR Guide for reference; three signs and some Voices handouts that I will give you. After your Clubhouse registration shift, drop the large voter registration sign off at the home of the volunteer who will do Clubhouse VR the following month.
• If you are registering voters at a Voices or RRDC meeting, bring your materials and sit at a table near the door to the meeting room for half an hour before the meeting begins.
Give registration forms to people who need to register or make changes to their registration, answer their questions, review each completed form with the voter. The voter leaves the completed form with you.
Within 5 days, drop your completed voter registration forms off at the Denton Elections office in person. (You can't have a non-VR do it for you.)
That's it. No committee meetings!
Go to rrdemocraticclub.com/vrvolunteers2025 to sign up today! Questions? Email Jane Scholz at rrprecinctchair@gmail.com.