Sign up to keep RRDC in the headlines in 2025
The Democratic Club is looking for half a dozen volunteers to share the task of writing about the club’s meetings and events in the Pioneer Press and HOA Activities Email newsletter.
Each month, these a volunteer will write a short meeting or event announcement for the HOA Daily Activities Email and write a story and take a picture of a club meeting or event for the Pioneer Press. Each volunteer will be responsible for just two months out of the coming year.
Getting news about our club in the HOA Daily Activities email and the Pioneer Press is important because it helps attract new members. More than 500 newcomers arrive in Robson every year. Some of them are Democrats who are looking for like-minded friends. It also keeps members who can’t attend a meeting up to date.
HOA Email announcements are about 250 words each and you will be provided with a template that you can customize. Pioneer Press stories are up to 500 words. Here’s a link to stories other volunteers have written about the club that have appeared in the Pioneer Press.
Here’s a sample meeting announcement for the HOA Activities Email:
The Robson Ranch Democratic Club will meet on Thursday, January 2 at 6:30pm in the Clubhouse. Two members will provide information about immigration in the US and Texas and lead a discussion on the topic. The social hour is from 6:30 to 7 pm and the meeting begins at 7 pm.
RR Democrats learn about civic and political issues together respecting each other's opinions. We meet candidates, register voters, volunteer to help elect Democrats, serve as election workers...and have a good time together! We meet every month (except May, June, July and December) on the first Thursday at 6:30 pm in the Robson Clubhouse. Everyone is welcome.
For more information or to join, go to
Here’s a partial schedule of membership meeting/social events and meeting topics for 2025:
Jan 2 – Discussion on immigration issues with Donna Gardner and Jane Scholz
Feb 6 – Election Day Voting Centers and/or Denton City Charter Amendments
Mar 6 – City of Denton and ISD Candidates
Apr 3 – City of Denton and ISD Candidates
Jun 4 – RRDC Pool Party
Jul 4 – Parade/Watermelon Social
Aug 7 – Program needed
Sep 4 – Texas Legislature Actions
Oct 2 – Program needed
Nov 6 – Program needed
Dec 4 – Annual Meeting/Holiday Party
Once you sign up, you'll receive a confirmation email. Later in January, you'll get another email with your coverage schedule and more detailed instructions.
That’s it. No committee meetings. Questions? Email